Beginner's Guide to Ayahuasca

Everything you need to know about Ayahuasca to make an informed decision if you're ready to do it, where and how.


In this free guide, you'll learn:

  • What is Ayahuasca: Its origins & how it's made
  • Risks & Benefits: Why you should drink Ayahuasca, and when you shouldn't
  • Preparation: All you need to know before going on a retreat
  • Ceremony: What to expect when you drink the medicine
  • Integration: What to do after your experience
"I went there a sad, angry, brokenhearted, alcoholic, self-medicator and I left a genuinely happy, substance free, proud, confident and loving man. All the best parts of me stayed and grew and all the negative parts of me and my addictions were purged away.

It has been two months of alcohol/drug-free, pure happiness since I left there and felt the need to share this because the experience is still changing my life and me for the better."

Dustin - Arkana Sacred Valley guest

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